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Head Start is a federally funded, comprehensive school readiness program serving three and four year old children from income eligible families.
Head Start believes that parents are a child’s first teacher. Head Start involves parents and the community in programs focused in three areas:


  1. Child Health and Development

  2. Family and Community Partnerships

  3. Program Governance 


Additionally, ten percent of Head Start’s enrollment is reserved for children professionally diagnosed as disabled, who receive comprehensive services to meet their special needs. 

The Early Head Start program is a federallyfunded, comprehensive, individualized services
school readiness program serving children birth to three years old from income eligible families. The Early Head Start program involves parents and the community in four key component areas:


  1. Education

  2. Parent Engagement

  3. Health

  4. Family Services


Additionally, 10% of Early Head Start’s enrollment is reserved for children professionally
diagnosed as disabled, who receive comprehensive services to meet their special needs.
The Early Head Start Full-Day/Full-Year program will specifically target parents who are

K-TAP recipients, working, in job training or attending school who need full-day/year round care for their children. It is recommended that parents apply for the child care subsidy program. Weekly fees are charged for extended care services.

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